1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Books, Books, and MORE Books!
Reading 1,000 books to your child(ren) before kindergarten seems like a lot, right? Well, it may be easier than you think. There are 1,825 days between the time your child(ren) is/are born and the time they reach kindergarten. That means you can read one book to your child everyday from the time they are born until they enter kindergarten, and you can even skip days between!
Reading to your child can give them the confidence they need as they enter school and develop their reading skills. Some skills children will gain through reading 1,000 books before kindergarten are building their speech, strengthen their listening skills, help them with grammar and correct sentence structure, teach them positive behaviors for dealing with life situations, build their attention spans, develop their imaginations and curiosity, and give them the positive attention they crave.
If you need more books, you can stop by the Calhoun Memorial Library in Chetek, swing by a Goodwill, look for book sales at a used book store, or create a book swap with a friend who has a child or children around the same age as your child.
Q: Who can participate?
A: Every child in the family from infant to kindergarten age.
Q: Can I really read 1,000 books before my child goes to kindergarten?
Reading 1 book per day for 3 years= 1,095 books
Reading 10 books per week for 2 years = 1,040 books
Reading 3 books per day for 1 year =1,095 books
You can do it!
Q: Does any book count?
A: Yes, any complete books and anyone reading an entire book to a child counts. A favorite read multiple time counts. Repetition helps in learning.
Q: What do we do at 100 books?
A: Bring your reading log to the Calhoun Memorial Library, receive a treat, pick up your next log book , and keep going.
Q: What happens at 1,000 books?
A: Get your photo taken for the Library Book of Fame and receive a special prize!
Q: How do I get a reading log for my child(ren)?
A: Ask any of the Calhoun Memorial Library staff in Chetek and we will be happy to get you a reading log for each child!