715-924-3195 | M/W/F 9-6pm, Tu/Th 1-6pm, Sat 9-12, Sun Closed | Chetek, WI director@calhounmemoriallibrary.org

Dementia Resource Center

Library Resources for Supporting Families with Dementia

Along with information, families and caregivers need access to activities that help those with dementia stay active. But which activities? What if there is no budget?

Barron County has one of the highest populations of elderly people. As our population continues to age more and  more families will be dealing with loved ones who are experiencing some form of dementia.

Families often need to care with a loved one who has dementia but have had little or no preparation to do so.

The library can help.

The Library Offers

  • Free, quiet space to sit and relax.
  • Reading materials (books and pamphlets, photo packets) for children to adults to help understand.
  • Internet access for information and services.
  • Information from organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association and our county Aging and Disability Resource Center.
  • Announcements of local learning sessions.
  • Brochures from local dementia care facilities.
  • Hands-on activities including sight, smell, touch, and hearing.
  • Dementia activity packets that help keep those with dementia active can also be provided by the CDCRC. Activities include: fidget blankets, fidget boards, simple puzzles, rubber stamps, sensory activities, stitch cards, activities that help care givers keep their loved ones busy.
  • Robotic kittens and dogs which are known to be great companions for those with dementia, and other realistic cuddly pets.

Books on Dementia and Caregiving