715-924-3195 | M/W/F 9-6pm, Tu/Th 1-6pm, Sat 9-12, Sun Closed | Chetek, WI director@calhounmemoriallibrary.org

Come one, come all to become a Culinary Crusader! We will be having our next taste testing on April 11, 2025 at 5:00pm at the Chetek Public Library. What do you need to do to be a Culinary Crusader? Come to the library and grab a cookbook for the theme of the month, make your food creation, then share a sample with others at the library the second Friday of each month. Our theme this month is a candy recipe, so find a great recipe for candy from one of our library cookbooks to share with other members of the club!  We can’t wait to see you here at the library!